• Welcome

    Hello and welcome to the Puffle Warriors. We are fun, enjoyable and exciting army to join and we go on Club Penguin to have a fun battle against other CP Armies! We are one of the best armies due to our amazing games we do during events. Head to the join page to join us and fill out the comments. This site is 100% virus free and we are safe for any child to use. After joining wait for up to two days to be ranked on our ranks page. You then earn promotions for being a huge part in our army.
    -Kingfunks4 and Zakdude

Making a Post.

I hate making posts, because I normally have nothing to say. But, I’m making one so Jake doesn’t get on my case about it. And I’m the only active 2ic, so I plan to keep that up.

I haven’t been that active, though, and neither have you, the troops.


Okay, I’m not going to work you until you die and turn to dust because of the amount of times you’ve gone on Club Penguin. And I KNOW how much you ALL WANT the new items on Club Penguin! AND how much you ALL WANT to meet GARY, so if he comes online suddenly when we’re doing these events you can’t go and meet him because I’m mean.

Now I’m shit terrible at scheduling events, so I’m gonna go and steal the times from the last event.


SERVER: Vanilla.

DATE: Saturday and Sunday.

TIME: 11:30am Penguin Standard Time [LOL PENGUIN STANDARD TIME]

  • 2:30pm Eastern (EST)

  • 1:30pm Central (CST)

  • 12:30pm Mountain (MST)

  • 11:30am Pacific (PST)

  • 7:30pm UK (GMT)

ARMIES: The currently inactive Puffle Warriors.


Also, this is for owners – POST MORE DAMN YOUUUUUUUUUUU. And try and makes posts interesting. You wouldn’t beleive how much I get bored reading these posts. Take a hint from CPAC, their posts make me laugh. But that’s probably all the butthurt comments.

No Posts? Seriously?

Comment- we NEED to get active here. There are three leaders, and I’m only an advisor. Do your jobs, owners.

  1. Name on ranks
  2. How often do you check this site per week?
  3. How active are you on a scale of 1-10? (Ten being most active as possible)



Incorporating Your Ideas

Hello PW!

As advisor and a graphics designer, I’m always looking to improve the quality of our army. We don’t yet have anything perfect since PW was created only recently, but I’m aiming to make it comfortable for everyone. Your opinion is the most important because you’re the one experiencing the army. To begin, I’d like to ask for your opinion. It’s great to see your response even if you’re not in PW so we know what others are looking for in an army.

  1. What do you go by?
  2. What’s the best thing about this army?
  3. What’s the worst thing about this army?
  4. What would you like to see improved?
  5. What do you think should be created?

The following are rated on a scale.Ten is the best, while zero is the worst (obviously).


PB with Vipers

Hai PW,

The Vipers are an army that are doing amazing at the moment and are rising rapidly. They are close to the top ten after maxing 10 – 15 at their last event. I think we can match them because we are also rising rapidly. I want to get 10+ at this event and to cause a huge upset. This is going to be a tough battle and it will probably be the result that will get us a medium top ten spot. Here is the information…

Practise Battle

SERVER: Vanilla

DATE: Saturday, 22nd October

TIME: 11:30am Penguin Standard Time

  • 2:30pm Eastern (EST)

  • 1:30pm Central (CST)

  • 12:30pm Mountain (MST)

  • 11:30am Pacific (PST)

  • 7:30pm UK (GMT)

ARMIES: PW vs Vipers

We will win this because I know we are rising. Comment if you can come.

-Kingfunks4 PW Leader



This is Blossom889, more commonly known as Blossy, reporting.

Mayyybe some of you will remember me, and if you bother to read about history you’d definitely know me. *cough* thanksforthebadpublicityfunks *cough*

Anyway, I decided to join again, even after spending hours on a chat that was made to stop another PW Generation, and Funks was generous enough to rank me as 2ic. Just so you little noobs soldiers know, I learn from my mistakes.





Also, my edit colour is purple, suck on that.

I cuss a lot, but I’ll try to refrain from cussing in posts. lolItypedpotbyaccidentthen.

SO to sum it up:

Immature idiot who got PW hacked and has come crawling back because no matter how much she says otherwise she can’t let go of Puffle Warriors.


~ Blossy [LIKE A BLOSS]




The road to major – Great Event Today.

Hai PW,

Today we improved our size with great sizes of 5 – 10. Our tactics were great and tons of people have joined us. Blossom rejoined and experienced Subzero and Roberto. Lets look at the pictures…

Welcome our third server, bellyslide.Comment if you came!

-Kingfunks4 PW Leader

Decent Event – We own Vanilla

Hai PW,

Yesterday we had ten on our chat, but only managed 5 on CP. Our tactics weren’t very good because two certain people decided to not help us. Anyway, I have nothing else to say but, enjoy the pictures:

5 on CP, good line.

12 on our chat.

So, now welcome our new capital Vanilla. Remeber to turn up to the invasion of Bellyslide later today.

-Kingfunks4 PW Leader

Im Your new 3ic

Hiya Puffle Warriors
Im Your New 3ic Carrit10/logan3 Heres a Little Bit About me
I am Non Member Army 1ic
Ar 2nd highest mod
Acp Lt Colonel
and Vipers 3ic
So I Hope We Will Rise To Major Someday But For Now Were Small

First Events – Invasion of Vanilla and Bellyslide

As we have at least ten people in our army, we should have a turnout of around 5+. This is an important event because we are invading our old Super-Server Vanilla. This is a must come event and we will prove that PW is back. I think MFW own vanilla, but CPAC say that no-one currently owns Vanilla. We are also reclaiming our old training server Bellyslide. I will also try to get a share of our old recruiting sever Beanie. When we get big enough we might also try and get Rocky Road back, our old Capital server.

Invasion of Vanilla


Day: Saturday 15th, October

Who: PW vs MFW

Where: Vanilla, Town

9:00pm BST/UK

4:00 EST

3:00 CST

2:00 MST


1:00 PST

Invasion of Bellyslide

Day: Sunday 16th, October

Who: PW vs Nobody

Where: Bellyslide, Town

8:30pm BST/UK

3:30 EST

2:30 CST

1:30 MST

12:30 PST

Comment if you can come! Remember to go to xat.com/pufflewarriorsofcp during the event.

-Kingfunks4 Puffle Warriors Leader


Jake: Funks, I ranked Char and Hay. Adjust their ranks if you need to.

Hello, and I’m the PW creator Kingfunks4. We were created on the date of February 24th 2010, and went through a huge total of seven generations. We are now in our 8th generation!

Welcome to PW 8G

We have a former leader in Zakdude and a former Moderator Flames to help out as the other PW leaders. We also have former soldiers like former 3ic Alex! The pages are being made and we will be running as soon as possible. If you want to join just comment your CP name and some army experience. We will reach the top ten once again but this time we will stay at the top. We have got rid of a lot of our older inactive soldiers and have a huge new sheet of paper to go with. This is now.

“The goal may be far but the goal is always possible to accomplish”

-Kingfunks4 Puffle Warriors Creator